Access Bars

Access Consciousness

Do you feel tired?

Are you worried most of the time?

Are you stressed?

Are you low in energy?

Would you like to look and feel better?

Access Bars is a set of tools and processes designed to facilitate more consciousness for everyone. These life-changing techniques are designed to empower you to create the life you desire.
There are 32 points on the head, called BARS, where we store all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, considerations, emotions, and attitudes that have been implemented since we were kids, we grew with them, and we think that they are important in our lifetime.

By running these bars, it’s like hitting the delete button on the computer and unlocking ourselves from the imprisonment, conditioning, and limitation of our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and barriers.

Common blockages that Access Bars helps to release surround issues such as:

  • Money

  • Health

  • Creativity

  • Manifesting

  • Peace, Calm & Healing

  • Communication

  • Aging beliefs

  • Creating Life Form

  • Increase power & connections

  • Control

  • Kindness & gratitude

  • Sadness & joy

  • Sexuality

  • Hopes & dreams

Price starts from €50 / 50 min

Access Bars Therapy will relax your body, soothe your mind, and recharge your vitality.

Have your Bars ran and change your life!